A Push in the Right Direction
Tammy improves her health, both physically and mentally.

Tammy enrolled in Care Management at the end of March requesting assistance in finding a behavioral health provider. The initial assessment revealed multiple complications likely related to poorly managed diabetes, including potential amputation due to a non-healing wound, history of right knee replacement with ongoing complications, and legal blindness. Tammy was underusing many of her benefits and was resistant to change with diet and glucose monitoring.
After connecting with the care team, Tammy received education on pathophysiology of elevated and uncontrolled blood glucose on arteries and vessels, organs, such as heart, eyes and kidneys, and skin. She also underwent an ongoing assessment of diabetes management, education, support, and encouragement to improve self-management. She received assistance with benefits for a knee scooter, coordination of care for in-network behavioral health provider, and multiple collaboration with pharmacy regarding non-covered and formulary medications. She was also directed to resources for waiver programs and connected to a local agency on aging services to help with home services, as well as referral to a vision provider.
This assistance Tammy received helped her achieve her goal of improved health by actively receiving care for depression and regularly seeing a new endocrinologist to manage her care. The care team could hear an improvement in mood noted at calls and the Tammy is significantly more involved in improving her health. Her A1C and blood glucose range have improved. Her improvement in visible health also led to an improvement in self-management skills. Tammy now connects with her care team or uses CareSource24® the 24-hour nurse line for after-hours concerns and assistance. She also keeps a blood glucose level log levels to discuss at her endocrinologist visits. The care team is happy to report that Tammy follows up on suggestions to improve health, verbalizes a willingness to maximize use of benefits to improve care.
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