CareSource Promotes Health and Wellness Education as Sponsor of the College Park Skyhawks' 'Education Day' Game.

CareSource was proud to continue its partnership with the College Park Skyhawks to present the 'Education Day' game at Gateway Center Arena.
CareSource donated 250 tickets to students and staff from Atlanta Public Schools and attendees received a themed workbook and giveaway items.
CareSource sponsored in-game elements, including a skills challenge at halftime where school administrators competed for a $1,000 donation to their school's mental and physical wellness resources from CareSource and the Skyhawks. Students also participated in the “Don't miss a free throw, Don't miss a Well Check” challenge where they competed for prizes and the importance of annual preventative care visits was reinforced.
"We were happy to engage with students, faculty, and families from Atlanta Public Schools,” said CareSource Georgia Market President Jason Bearden. “Education plays a vital role in informing important health decisions, and we are proud to sponsor Education Day with the Skyhawks.”

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